Acute Appendicitis Images AppendixPathogenesis- Obstruction dilatation and secondary infection and inflammationAshley Davidoff MD Courtesy Barbara Banner MD 02435 colon appendix dx black fx distended fx enlarged fx discoloration discolored dx acute gangrenous appendicitis dx ischemic necrosis dx acute appendicitis necrotic grosspathology Courtesy Dr Gutkin Mild 18280b01.8s hx RLQ pain colon appendix fx induration fx distended distension fx thickened enlarged induration of periappendiceal fat dx acute appendicitis CTscan KEYWORDS appendix enlarged appendicloth inflammation appendicitis right lower quadrant pain fx enhancing wall wall indurated fat induration CT scan CTscan computed tomography 76837.8 AppendicitisAppendicolith and mild fat stranding Severe Severe Appendicitis with extensive peri-appendiceal induration Abscess Appendicitis complicated by an AbscessAshley Davidoff MD